Mission Statement

Our Mission is to promote art and art education in the community and among its members. To encourage and promote a public interest and understanding of art; to create and develop a closer relationship between art and the community and further the education and artistic development of its members.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Award of Excellence: Judith Edgington Bays - Grandpa's Apples

Award of Excellence:



Judith Edgington Bayes – Grandpa’s Apples

"I could immediately feel the emotional attachment of the artist to the subject. There is a pervasive warmth to the entire work. The gentle curve of the composition helped along by the subtle sway of the grass takes the viewer through the orchard and from detail foreground to diffuse background.  The details  and gestures (the man’s face; his grasping, gloved hand; shoelaces,; and spectacles) and especially the light used – a soft dappling light on the man’s shirt and overalls – create a lovely portrait and landscape in one. "

~ Jenine Culligan, Juror

"This painting is proving to be very popular with everyone who come to the Renaissance Art Gallery. There is definitely an emotional response to it. We all remember this, whether it is our grandfather or family outings picking our own." ~ Susan Tschantz, Renaissance Gallery Artist.


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