The junior drawing class at the Renaissance Gallery took a stab at relating to the color wheel this week in preparation for the Spring Fine Arts Exhibition, “Color Complements”, being staged at The Renaissance Art Gallery next month.
Today, these art students helped to create an installation piece, “Working With The Color Wheel”.
First came the wheel, the color wheel to display in the welcome to the exhibition. Also needed was to highlight the primary colors and their complements and show what happens when you mix them. Anyone who have ever taken an art class will remember boring making a color wheel can be. But this had to be more than a simple wheel, it also had to be art and decorative. Taking a basket of silk flowers, a grapevine wreath and a pair of wire cutters, a most unusual color wheel was constructed

Next color complement display. Gla

Food Coloring and clear glass bottles make up the last presentation, working with color. Batches of water were mixed up with the 3 primary colors, and 3 bottles were filled with these. Then the remaining colors were used to mix the complements, and the last 3 bottles were filled with these. Then the bottles were arranged on the windowsill where the light will shine through them. A little fiddling and re-arranging for the most pleasing presentation was made.
This installation piece both brightens the gallery and is already proving to be a handy learning tool. The adult photography class, which follows the junior class got a first hand look at color and how light e

These pieces will be on display along with all the other works in the new "Color Complements" Spring Fine Arts Exhibition
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