The Renaissance Gallery offers a venue for working regional artists to show develop as working artists by interacting with their peers and the community at large.
The gallery differs from the Huntington museum of art in its focus on regional living artists. While the museum is supportive of regional artists and offers educational opportunities to the community, its focus is largely archival. Maintaining a growing collection of important art, and brings national shows to the area. The Renaissance Gallery can focus its efforts on developing the local artistic community, offering a physical place to display work not just of its members, but also of other local artists. Giving them the opportunities needed to grow their talent.
We want to offer an active studio experience. The museum does offer studio space, it is as a landlord, an authority figure, at one step removed. Individual artists are like the orphan Oliver "please sir, can I have more!"
The Renaissance gallery is more artist-directed. Offering an on-going experience, that tri-state does not offer. Here, the artists must be interactive with each other and the community at large. We can offer smaller, more mentor driven classes.
With solid funding we can offer more opportunities for regional artists to stretch themselves and expand their working knowledge of art and media. It is the perfect setting for the self-taught and folk artists to get hand-on experience.
As the name implies, the Renaissance Gallery can be a cultural revival, home to a period of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity, a regional Renaissance.
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