Mission Statement

Our Mission is to promote art and art education in the community and among its members. To encourage and promote a public interest and understanding of art; to create and develop a closer relationship between art and the community and further the education and artistic development of its members.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Taking In- Miniature Show and more!

Taken in

The miniatures have come in for the 11th Annual National Miniature Exhibition.

Shea Ashworth and her
"Whimsical Airedale"
Friday, Saturday and Sunday saw a rush of artists into The Renaissance Art Gallery bringing this year’s show. Kept us hopping too! There are works from all over the country as well as our valleys. We filled the receiving table up 3 times with works of art.

Now the work of photographing, hanging and cataloging all this magnificent work is before us. It will be a busy week!

Speaking of taking in, we have taken in a new artist at The Renaissance Art Gallery. She is Laurie Shanholtzer. Laurie specializes in portraits in pastel. As a full time professional artist for over 30 years, Laurie Shanholtzer has established a sound reputation as a portrait artist and pastelist. Over this time she has literally painted hundreds of commissions. These paintings grace homes, offices and public institutions both nationally and abroad.

You can see Laurie’s work on her websites:



Ron Haeberle took in the Wednesday art classes this past week, and introduced them to watercolors. Each student got a chance to work with Ron and do a watercolor painting of water! Classes painted a wave!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Miniature Show Submissions, Down to the Wire now

Down to the wire

The Renaissance Art Gallery will start receiving works for the 11th Annual National Miniature Exhibition October 14th at 12:00-4 pm at The Renaissance Art Gallery 900 8th Street, Suite 20 in Huntington, WV. This is the old High School on the corner of 9th Avenue and 8th Street. Extra Prospectus will available.

3" x 5 "

The 11th Annual National Miniature exhibition is open to all adult artists, 18 and up. The show features all fine art media except photography. Maximum size of paintings, 25 sq inches, 3-dimensional work cannot exceed 8 inches in any one direction.

1/2" x 2"
Artists Gary Lapelle and Susan Tschantz will be on hand on Friday. Work can also be brought to the gallery on Saturday Oct 15th where Fern Christian and Linda Helgason will be on hand to accept your art. Sunday Oct 16th 2011 we will all be there. The Gallery is open 12 noon to 4 pm on Friday and Saturday, 1-4 on Sunday.