Mission Statement

Our Mission is to promote art and art education in the community and among its members. To encourage and promote a public interest and understanding of art; to create and develop a closer relationship between art and the community and further the education and artistic development of its members.

Friday, October 26, 2012

12th Annual National Miniature Exhibition



Walls &
The miniature show is hanging, and it's an amazing collection of small works. I have seen many of these artists grow in their creative endeavors through the twelve years we have been privileged to see and enjoy having their work in our care. It's always a thrill to see new work each year and to watch our entrants as they become proficient miniaturists.
Walls of art


We want to thank our loyal artists who return each year with their beautiful submissions, and to those of you who are first time entrants, I wish you could be here sometime when a juror first sees the hundreds of tiny painting he will have to jury! Most are awe-struck by the ability of artists to express the depth in landscapes, the delicate skin tones in portraits, the strength and character of the human form, and so forth .You just have to see for yourself, if you are not familiar with the beautiful miniature, do come in and check us out, we would love to show you some small wonders.
~ Fern Christian
Checking in Artists and their works


Friday, October 19, 2012

Miniatures At The Renaissance Art Gallery

Shea Asworth & Model
from last year's entry
The receiving dates for the 12th Annual National Miniature Exhibition are here! Friday Oct 19 and Saturday October 20 at the Renaissance Art Gallery between 12:00 and 4:00 pm. Sunday October 21, 2012 work will be received between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. This show will accept all fine art medium except photography.

We have copies of the prospectus at the gallery for anyone who might have forgotten or lost their copy, so don't be shy, bring it on!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Watercolor Class

Renaissance member, Pati Payne held her first beginners watercolor class on Oct. 13, 2012. The three students taking the class had never painted with watercolor before. They learned about mixing colors, hard and soft edges, what supplies were needed, glazing, positive and negative painting and different brush strokes. The next class will be Saturday Oct. 27 from 1-3 p.m. The price is $25 for one class or $80 for 4 classes. Supplies are furnished. Anyone interest in taking the next class should call Pati at 740-533-1516 or email at pati.payne@yahoo.com

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Receiving Art for the 12th Annual National Miniature Exhibition

From Last Year's show
The receiving dates for the 12th Annual National Miniature Exhibition at the Renaissance Art Gallery are Friday and Saturday, October 19 & 20 2012 from 12-4 pm and Sunday October 21 2012 from 1-4 pm.
Not Monday October 15, 2012 as some sources have stated. We did ask that shipped worked be postmarked by October 15, but that was to ensure that we received them all in time to hang and for the juror to review them.
Gallery doors will be open for Receiving Friday, Saturday and Sunday the weekend of October 19, 20 and 21st.

From Last Year's show
After all the work has been received, we can hang, judge and open the show.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Art Trading Cards at the Renaissance Art Gallery

Busy week for the first week in October.

We have a full week of classes.

Monday 10-Noon painting

Wednesday Classes in painting and drawing from 1:00 until 7:30

Saturday 10-Noon painting

and Saturday Afternoon, 1-3 our third ATC Meet and Swap.

This is our fall meet, so the theme for our cards will be Autumn.

Some Cards already made for Fall!
Everyone is welcome for a relaxing afternoon of crayons and sissors! It really is a lot of fun!