People walked through The Renaissance Art Gallery all during
November admiring the fine miniatures. Each person was given the chance to
select his or her own personal favorite. At the end of the month, we counted up
the votes.

This vote is always tight. There are so many fabulous and
amazing miniatures that is really is
hard to choose a favorite. The People’s Choice award gives everyone a taste of
just how hard it is to judge this exhibition. Over 150 people took an interest
in the show this year, and while the voting was fierce, and close, we do
have a winner.
Sue Wall’s Kitchen Helpers was a clear winner. Sue has been a favorite of guests at the Renaissance Art Gallery's Minaiture show for years, and we are happy to give her the People's Choice award for 2012.
Sue lives in New York City and is an active pet artist. You can see more of Sue's work on her website:
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